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Back 2 School Tips, tricks, and Minis

Every year I'm taken by surprise when I start hearing the phrase Back To School. So it was no surprise this year when I turned around only to realize it was time to stock up on school supplies, uniforms, and name labels. With a second grader in my home, I've picked up a few things over the years. Here are 3 ways to make back 2 school easy on everyone:

  1. Start rolling back bed time to a reasonable time and stick to it! During summer, we parents tend to let bedtime become a little more fluid. Share with your kiddos that bedtime is so important and to prepare everyone for the return of early mornings, we will stick to a bed time together. Extra tip, use your home AI (Alexa, google, etc.) to set a reminder when it's time to start the bed time routine. My kids listen to Alexa way before they listen to me.

  2. Buy your school supplies now! Target runs some exceptional school supply sales (assuming you can walk thru the dollar spot with self control 😉). Use the Fetch Rewards app and you can collect mega points back!

  3. Invest in the final days of summer. This is the best and perfect way to ensure your kiddos have a great first day back. Take them to that park, blow up the water balloons, or finally visit the zoo. Your kiddos will love every moment and those memories will get you thru the first hard days of being apart.

  4. BONUS: book Back 2 School Minis! This way you can freeze time during these last few weeks together. There is so much growth each school year so let's capture there little days one more time before school begins (or they finally lose that first tooth!).

Here's to the final days of summer and the return of school-year routines. I'll be the mom cheering in the parking lot when her kids go back to school. Come say hi!


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